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English 4, Post 4, Time travel to the future.

 Hi everyone, In this post I´m going to talk about time travelling, it´s sounds crazy, but Im going to tell some things about travelling to the future. One thing, I always dislike the idea about time travel specially travel to the future, because it takes away the surprise factor but also if the future is not like we imagine, what about if we are not there or there a lot of chaos and the people have to survive by themselves. There is a few examples, so time travel for me sounds good firsts but this things makes me want to destroy the first time machine.

But if some bad people force me to travel to the future but they let me free to travel in any time that I want, I think I would travel to one hundred years later, just for the reason if we, I mean "we" like humanity not like me in itself, can solve some things in a short way like global warming, also I want to see some science advances specially if we will able to travel to mars or any planet in the solar system.

Thinking about the idea of staying in that time, I kinda of disagree, because I don´t belong there, also I would miss all my family and friends. Honestly I´m feeling terrified just thinking about it.


  1. Hi, how great your idea of travelling to the future, I like the idea of thinking about a society in the next century, although I don't think I'd be able to stay there. Like futurama

  2. Hi!! I would also travel to the future to see if there is progress, especially if we manage to reach more planets in the solar system.

  3. I never thought about it that way, it's incredible to think about having to adapt to a time that is not yours. Hoping that bad people never forces you to travel to the future!


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