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English 4, Post 2, The best concert.

 Hi everyone, in this post I´m going to talk about my best concert, I have to say that is not actually a concert but it is pretty similir, my favourite " concert " was a national competition of freestyle (rap) called "FMS Chile" and the event was in December of 2019 in the "Teatro Caupolicán". In the event I see a lot of talented freestylers like Teorema, Nitro, Acertijo and 7 freestylers more. The freestylers have different stories but a lot of them share somethings like they like to rap in the subway or bus, also they have a personal musical carreers and/or university degrees.  The atmosphere during the event was very explosive and exciting because when the freestylers did a great perfomance during the show, the people clapped and yelled so hard, also me and my friend who went with to see the event. I felt so happy and excited in the event because I enjoy a lot the freestyle and the freestylers made a fantastic show. I remember that my friend and I went

English 4, Post 1, 'A country you would like to visit'

Hi everyone, in this post I´m going to talk about a country I would like to visit, it is very diffilcult to choose one, but I think the country that I want to visit the most is Greece, because since I was a child I like the Greek mithology like: Gods, half-gods, monsters and the stories. Also visit Greece is one of my dreams actually especially visit the parthenons in Athenas. The things I know about Greece are: is one of the most important fountains of knowledge through the history because a lot of brilliant people born in this country like Platon, Pitagoras, Homero, etc. Also like I said the country have one of most famous mythologies and finally Greece have a lot of historic monuments like the theaters. I do not know if I want to live or work in this country I just know that I want to visit that country so bad  ( like a tourist), because it is been my dream for a lot of years, but I do not dismiss the idea of "falling in love" with Greece and stay or live there for a lot o